Easy routes in the Tatras – short trips for tourists without preparation.
Many people coming to Zakopane are planning to reach some Tatra summits. The city itself is not interested for them so much, it only serves as a transfer point before the next route to the shelters, or as a place for a short overnight stay before the next day of the trip. There are, however, equally numerous tourists who, in principle, do not walk in the mountains. They do not have the stamina or equipment, they want to enjoy the city itself. Does this mean that the only contact with nature will be in the city park near Krupowki street? Fortunately not.
In the immediate vicinity of Zakopane there are many trails that are not only not very difficult, but also offer beautiful views and the possibility of feeling really in the mountains. In these mountains, the highest in Poland.
Most people choose the most famous Tatra lake, Morskie Oko, as their first destination. However, this is not the easiest goal, and why – you can read in the separate article “Seemingly easy trails”, so it will not be on this list.
Hereby we present a tally of trails that guarantee beautiful views, the ability to breathe the cleanest air, you do not have to commute many kilometers to them, because they are within walking distance from the town, or several stops of a bus ride.
Droga pod Reglami
The easiest but least scenic, just right for people with children or who are uncertain of their physical condition. It can be interrupted in many moments. It leads from Kuznice (entrance behind the Ksiezowka, at the Przewodnikow Tatrzanskich street, bus stop “Murowanica”) to Siwy Polana at the Chochołowska Valley. Along the way, there are many entrances to the valleys. From there we can observe the Gubalowka and Butorowy Wierch, as well as the higher parts of village Koscielisko. You can ride this route by bicycle, unlike those located in the Tatra National Park (with the exception of the Chocholowska Valley section). At the beginning of the route, you also pass by the ski jumping hill complex, where the lift is running uphill and from there we can take look at Zakopane. Unfortunately here we do not see the panorama of the Tatra Mountains, they are too close.
Dolina Bialego (Valley)
It is not difficult due to the short passage time, just like the Dolina Bialego. It offers a beautiful view of Giewont Mountain. At the end of the valley there is a shelter with a buffet.
Dolina Strazyska (Valley)
It is not difficult due to the short passage time, just like the Dolina Bialego. It offers a beautiful view of Giewont Mountain. At the end of the valley there is a shelter with a buffet.
Dolina to Dziurze – Jaskinia ku Dziurze (Valley)
A walk through the valley will take only about 40 minutes. The entrance is free. Jaskinia ku Dziurze is a cave closest to Zakopane which is open to the public.
Dolina Koscieliska (Valley)
This is not a place where we can see such spectacular views as from any summit, but it has other advantages. It is a valley with a flat bottom, so crossing – about two hours one way – should not cause any difficulties to anyone. At Hala Ornak, at the end of the valley, there is a charming shelter (high position in rankings of most pleasant places in the Tatras). On your way there you can also view the Wawoz Krakow, enter Jaskinia Mrozna (cave, attention, people with claustrophobia, or difficulties with movement – it is really crowded) we can also drop in the Polana Stoly with nice views (worth noting – this is the first route marked out in the Western Tatras by Mieczyslaw Karlowicz, famous Polish composer, in the 19th century).

Na styku jesieni i zimy możemy liczyć na takie widoki na Hali Gąsienicowej. Naprawdę warto tu dotrzeć.
The first of the mountains with spectacular views: Zakopane and Gubalowka, nearby towns, and on the other side the whole range of the Tatras from Hawran in the Belianske Tatras, through Koszysta, Krzyzne, entire Orla Perc, Swinica, Kasprowy, Giewont, and Osobita in the Western Tatras. We have to go up a little, on the stones there may be moisture or mud, so we probably will not do it in varnished sandals with stripes or flip-flops. But also we can go there without hiking shoes, sneakers will by enough. Amazing views will reward your climbing. You can go to the top of Nosal from the footbridge over the Bystra stream just behind the Hotel Murowanica (there is a bus stop), or from Kuznice, because there are two routes. Both of them will take not more than one hour one way, or maybe even faster. It is also possible to reach at some point the next summit from our list and return there.
Wielki Kopieniec
It offers views similar to those of Nosal, but even better because it is over 100 meters higher. It’s best to start from Jaszczurowka, where private bus lines and a city bus arrive. By the way, you should visit the beautiful and old chapel on Jaszczurowka. Along the way you will walk through the picturesque Olczyska glade and in the end you will come to the beautiful Polana Kopieniec. There are huts here, and in the spring there is a sea of crocuses, to which no one pays attention, because everyone is going to see those in the Chocholowska Valley. If we take a moment to get to the top (small rocks, a bit uncomfortable, when it is slippery), the views will be stunning, all over the Tatras. It’s worth spending 1.5 hours for one way trip.
Polana Kalatówki
It has not as spectacular view as in the previous places, but you can see from there the Kasprowy Wierch and observe the cable lift. Sheep also graze there. And in the spring it’s another place where you can admire crocuses. The road to Kalatowki is laid with round stones, who has sensitive tendons should go on its edge, carefully take every step. A thicker sole shoes will be useful, but the slope is not too tiring and we should reach the goal within an hour. There is a mountain hotel on the Polana, we can eat something there and in the winter it is the quietest place to learn to ski – there are no loudspeakers, no music, no megaphones, only snow, silence and sun. On Kalatowki there are several interesting events – Jazz Camping Kalatowki in September, where during jam sessions folk musicians from Podhale meet jazz-men. Every spring there is adored by the local people and tourists a skiing competition “For the Easter egg” in traditional costumes.
Rusinowa Polana

Taki piękny las i ścieżkę o niewielkich przewyższeniach możemy znaleźć wszędzie na obrzeżach Tatrzańskiego Parku Narodowego.
To get there you have to leave Zakopane and drive to Zazadnia or Wierchporoniec, what means quite probably a traffic jam on the way, but it’s really worth it. From the first place, we march for 1h15’ from the second for an hour, completely flat forest, and finally we stand on a glade with a view of the Belianske Tatras, the Slovak Tatras and part of the High Tatras – which are really impressive. The Gerlach, Ganek, Wysoka, Rysy cannot be seen better than here. On the left, a magnificent Lodovy and Hawran, in the front a dark outline of the Młynarz. There are tables and benches on the Polana. There is also a shepherd’s hut which serves exceptionally good warm oscypek (cheese), and therefore also are sheep. Keep the distance from the herd, if we want to take a picture with them in the background ask for a permission the shepherd. And don’t even try to make friends with herding dogs, they can bite, it’s their job. If we want to see an even wider panorama and our joints call for a warm-up, we can start going up the stairs that begin on the glade and reach the goal, which is described in the next point. Or stay lower and look for example at the Wiktorowki sanctuary next to the Rusinowa Polana.
Gęsia Szyja
From Rusinowa Polana, we can climb up a few hundred stairs to see even more stunning view. You can see not only summits which you could admire from Rusinowa Polana, from even closer, but also Kasprowy and Giewont on the other side and nearby towns. Below you can hear and see the Bialka River, as well as the trail on the Slovak side, which leads to among others on Polski Grzebien and Rohatka. The Gesia Szyja itself is a complex of rocks, which are better not to climb when it is slippery, but on the other hand, you will not see anything if you do not get there. On rocks it is necessary to be careful not to stumble, especially if we are going to take pictures (selfie) – the fall could be very unpleasant.
Hala Gąsienicowa
The most difficult of the selected routes, but with the greatest view. Not recommended for people with poor physical condition, space anxiety or circulation disorders. The reward is to find yourself in the heart of the Tatra Mountains. If that day we are not going anywhere else, on Orla Perc or Kasprowy Wierch, it is not worth to hurry. It may take even 4 hours, but let’s go there. Definitely more interesting and easier is the route through Jaworzynka, not through Boczan, where gravel pits in the final section are unpleasant and dangerous. Finally, we can also go the route from Brzeziny, it is a route available for Tatra National Park cars, skiers, it is really easy, but monotonous and not very pleasant because of the bumpy stones. The road works in winter too and the stones are covered with a thick layer of compacted snow. In the Hala Gasienicowa is the Murowaniec Shelter (note, you cannot count on a spontaneous accommodation there, it is booked solid almost all the time), but it is not the main attraction. The most beautiful is Orla Perc, Koscielec and Swinica – seen from close-up. We can also approach the Czarny Staw Gasienicowy, the route itself is easy, although when the snow falls, the avalanche danger immediately appears. Another route leads to the Zielone Stawy Gasienicowe (Green Ponds), especially charming in the warm seasons – there is usually much less crowded than on the route to Czarny Staw. Return – depends on your developed technique of climbing down and the condition of your knees. If we can cope – it’s great to come back down the steep Jaworzynka and from Karczmiska (Przelecz miedzy Kopami)and admire Giewont, especially in the light of the sunset. If not – it’s better to take the black route to Brzeziny.
Anna Markiewicz