“Zakopane is the winter capital of Poland” we have known this for tens of years, but is there any chance for it or whether Zakopane could actually become the capital of our homeland? Warsaw has failed Poles many times in recent months. Since the introduction of the first restrictions related to the pandemic, pro-Polish and anti-government demonstrations have taken place in Warsaw, never exceeding 50,000 protesters. We all know very well how the rulers of Poland made mistakes or even deliberately destroy Polish small and medium-sized entrepreneurs, so if Warsaw residents supported those Poles who have already lost their companies or will lose them in the coming months, protests and demonstrations in Warsaw would have hundreds of thousands of participants each time. Warsaw has failed Poland. And Zakopane, a city of 30,000 people, even with the surrounding municipalities, probably a smaller population than the official capital, decides to fight for Poland and Poles who actually have to defend their property, businesses and employees. Anyone who thinks logically sees how governments, not only Polish, are trying to destroy industries and businesses in the hands of Poles and native citizens of other countries. The plan of governments and corporations is to destroy all those who still have some economic potential with which citizens can resist progressive change. Zakopane and the Highlanders are organizing a campaign to convince 50 municipalities to oppose all orders of the Polish government that do not comply with the Polish constitution. It is obvious that every Polish mayor, seeing today’s situation, realizes who is more important, the illegal government or the local population, who can lose everything and forever. This is happening in Zakopane and the Podhale region, more communes from all over Poland should join this movement, and when this happens I am sure that Zakopane will become the capital, if not of Poland it will be the capital of Poles.