To understand Zakopaneer

To understand Zakopaneer

To understand Zakopaneer Since when Zakopane ceased to be a village at the end of the world, visitors were fascinated by the local indigenous population, very different from the people in other regions of Poland, both in an appearance and in their way of life. And...
Music in Zakopane – festivals and concerts

Music in Zakopane – festivals and concerts

Music in Zakopane – festivals and concerts Zakopane is not immediately associated with music. Although it has a beautiful history and was created here by one of the most outstanding Polish composers – Mieczyslaw Karlowicz and Karol Szymanowski. Zakopane was also...
Are you going to Giewont?

Are you going to Giewont?

Are you going to Giewont? Although the title refers to the popular jokes that highlanders make of “ceprów” (tourists), we promise, we will not laugh at anyone here. On the contrary, we will try again to address the secrets of communication in Zakopane and...
Tatra savoir-vivre

Tatra savoir-vivre

Tatra savoir-vivre Going on vacation, we all want to rest. Not only from work – tables, translations, or house designs – but also from stress, planning the day with a watch in your hand, hurry. Some of us, which can be clearly seen in Zakopane, would also...
Tatra Fashion Review

Tatra Fashion Review

Tatra Fashion Review Although the subject seems banal and dozens of texts have been written about how to dress in the mountains, it turns out that people’s fantasy has no limits. There will always be someone who can imagine flip-flops for the slogan...